What is a "Productive Student"?

At the beginning of the year, we discuss what constitutes a productive student and a non-productive student.  I want my students to really think about the qualities we will be looking for throughout the year that will help them to be successful in not just my class, but the school. 

We begin by brainstorming all of the qualities a PRODUCTIVE student would embody.

They usually say the typical "good student" things.   I try to lead the into more holistic ideas (such as role model things) but they get the idea.

Once we finish with our list of things we *should* do, I ask the students to brainstorm traits of students who are less productive.
These tend to be funnier, and get the kids very excited.  They love thinking of things they should NOT be doing!  :)

Once the anchor charts are complete, the students use them to create their own "Productive Student".  Using the brainstormed qualities, they create a bubble map of sorts, listing adjectives for positive qualities and traits they want to have for the rest of the year.  I have the students draw a stick figure of a person, and then match these traits up to their body parts.  For example, a productive student would be "on time", so that might be matched up to the person's wrist, where a watch is drawn. 

Underneath each adjective, I ask the students to elaborate on how they personally will be a productive student with that trait.

So there you have it!  These anchor charts (which I actually re-write so they are a bit neater ;) ) stay up all year.  Every once in a while, if we need to, I reference them so that they students can refocus on becoming productive.

Do you have some sort of student behavior reference chart?  What does it look like?


  1. This is a great lesson for the first 2 weeks of school!!!! I do something similar but this is better!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen from...
    A Teacher's Treasure
    Teaching Treasures Shop

  2. Great beginning to a new year - reflective!

  3. These look great. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks everyone! I am glad you found it useful :)

  5. Awesome idea Stephanie!! I loved stick person chart, so creative! Thanks for linking up...I was so excited when I saw your link :)

  6. Love, love, love this idea!!! Will definitely use it next year!


  7. Alright! Just added this fab idea to my first weeks plan (because that's what I do during the summer!)


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